Friday, January 11, 2008

Do you use a dowsing stick?

Department of Motorway Studies
University of Bexhill,
Brighton Road,
East Sussex BU9 4HK

4 January 2008

Dear Tom

Thank you for your application for the post of Lecturer in Motorway Studies at Bexhill University. We regret on this occasion you have not been successful but we would like to thank you for your interest in this post.

Yours sincerely
Tracey Longstomps
pp Professor Enzo Sharples Phd MA (Cantab).

The Human Resources Unit
The University of Bury St Edmunds
The Square,
Bury St Edmunds,
West Suffolk CM34 3FG

5 January 2008

Dear Applicant

We have received a large number of applications for this post and regret that we are unable to reply individually to all applicants. We regret that we are unable to offer you an interview on this occasion but wish you every success in your future career.

Yours sincerely
The Human Resources Unit, The University of Bury St Edmunds

Spalding Further Education College
Lincolnshire LN34 7NM

6 January 2008

Dear Tom
We would like to thank you for your job application. Unfortunately, although we read your CV with interest, we regret that we currently have no post that fits your skills frameset.

Yours faithfully
Myra Broadhurst, Childcare and Nursery Interventions, Spalding Further Education College.

Zenith Consulting
Stanford Buildings
Long Acre,
London W15 H40

7 January 2008

Dear Tom
I will keep your CV on file although I would have to say that, as a business consultancy, we do not get many requests from our clients for psychogeographers.
Take care.

Yours sincerely
Bryan Sugar, Director, Zenith Consulting
N.B. Just out of personal interest, do you use a dowsing stick?

Community and Playcare
Haringay Council
Wood Green
London N20 T39

8 January 2008

Dear Mr Markham
Thank you for your recent application for working with Haringay Libraries as a library assistant because you ‘like reading books.’ I would say that today’s library service has a much wider delivery reach and we see ourselves as facilitators for a diverse range of cross-cutting services reaching a diversity of service users, of which books are but one strand. We regret that we are unable to offer you an interview on this occasion but thank you for contacting us. I enclose a diversity evaluation form for our records.
Yours sincerely

Moira T. Tarragon, Head of Information Services

We welcome applications from all sections of the community and do not discriminate on grounds of sexuality, gender, disability, ethnicity or intelligence.

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